g i r l h a t t a n

g i r l h a t t a n

Thursday, March 29, 2007

meet me in the hotel for the key party

tuesday night was another magical night in new york. gorgeous weather, running into friends on the street, meeting at the gershwin hotel for a performance of the key party, pix in the photobooth first (are photobooths following me? or am i just noticing them more?), workhorse and the silver fox arrive via vespa, andy warhol in the lobby, sitting in the front row, giggling, passing the flask of maker's down the line, aquanet and a toy airplane on the stage, horn section and washtub bass, "his blacks don't match," tequila and red meat as post-show treats.

{the music? like if tom waits had a kid who dropped out of texas military school with liver damage and crabs. i told darren this, and he replied, "can i quote you?"}

km & warhol

warhol - ron galella - gershwin hotel

warhol - ron galella

km and the silver fox

photobooth madness

the key party @ the gershwin hotel

the key party

the key party @ the gershwin hotel

the key party - darren gaines

workhorse & me

workhorse size 12

his blacks don't match - the key party

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