if you don't have a picture, did it really even happen?
yesterday i went out without my camera, which was very interesting and very fun.
i started out at an industry event at
bb kings on 42nd street. i haven't been to one of these things in a while and i forgot about the high-pitched screams lusty teenaged girls can emit. but the band wasn't bad, i met
johnny wright, and i was in good company: the publicist was a sweetheart and the cocktails were free if you were old enough to drink them, thank dionysus.
afterwards, record label guy and i ate at
red lobster, my
second time and his first. coconut shrimp forever!
then i made my way through the torrential downpour to a taxi and to b bar, where cenon was celebrating his birthday. this meant that i got to see
ms. cole,
ms. min,
the dutchman and lots of other lovelies. lucky, lucky me! by the time
hrh arrived i'd already discovered my
padawan, coincidentally hanging in the other room, and two groups became one. sort of. i was looking for
perez hilton, and we had a text exchange that went like this:
g: @ b bar
p: in vegas!
g: oh right!
p: how is nyc?
g: drunk!
later i saw my colorist, watched
calvin klein ogle a shirtless dancer. after i tucked a dollar into a go-go boy's mesh net undies i sighed and said, "i'm off." and flung myself into bed.
then again, i could be lying. there are no photographs to prove any of this.
now would be a good time to mention that i am reading
The Picture of Dorian Gray. i can't fathom why i've never read it before, it's absolute genius. of course, i knew the story, but i hadn't actually read the lush prose. all of wilde's aphorisms and paradoxes ring true, a hundred years later. most of the great quotes are from Lord Henry:
"I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex."
"I can sympathise with everything, except suffering."
"Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the caveman had known how to laugh, history would have been different."
"I am too fond of books to care to write them."
"It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances."
*random web thingy:
panic has a very cool "shopping cart" system on their site. add stuff, take stuff out - it's just fun!