david IMed me to tell me that sienna miller has copied my tattoo.
mine may not be the most original design, but it's very personal to me. i'm obsessed with the number three, and i could talk about the power of three for about three hours...
Warner Music Group boss Lyor Cohen and Amy, his wife of 14 years, are the perfect divorcing couple. As the parents of two kids, they refuse to fight, say only nice things about each other and are settling their money issues without aggressive lawyers and ugly court fights - which is all pretty boring for us gossip columnists. "We absolutely love each other. We are partners in raising our children. This is super, super sad," said Lyor, who will stay in the family's townhouse off Fifth Avenue in the 90s while Amy moves out. Though Cohen made a $100 million windfall in the sale of Def Jam Records before he moved on to Warner, don't expect a battle over money. "We love each other," Amy echoed. "I would never do anything in the world to hurt Lyor," adding, "I'm not a money-grubber, and Lyor's not a stingy man."