g i r l h a t t a n

g i r l h a t t a n

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

trapped in a box


did anyone else catch the stella mccartney/adidas PR stunt on the corner of broadway and houston on saturday?

adidas PR stunt

adidas - stella mccartney

because if you buy stella mccartney workout clothes you can aspire someday to become trapped in a yogaterrarium.

adidas - stella mccartney

let's see you meditate your way out of those boxes, ladies!

so my weekend was like this: dancing, shopping, drinking, brunch.


party people

party people


adidas for everyone!

party people

mirror in the loo

been there done that

kafkaesque cockroach

tma & hrh

same old same old, but in a good way.

song of the day - you guessed it - no doubt: trapped in a box

speaking of no doubt, gwen stefani is one stylish pregnant chick. do you think gwen and gavin will name the baby something with a G? i suggest genevieve, gustavo, geneva, giselle, gray or gabriel/gabrielle.

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