g i r l h a t t a n

g i r l h a t t a n

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

how to have a good tuesday night

phone at night

how to have a good tuesday night in girlhattan:

1. go directly from work to barrio chino
2. have friends waiting at the bar, smiling
3. be seated, immediately order fresh lime margarita
4. order: tacos arrechera, sincronizada especial ("what's cuitlacoche?""a fungus." "it's delicious!"), enchiladas de mole, and "the sampler"
4. discuss: banana bungalows in hollywood, the death of the maori queen, all you really know about immigration issues
5. have another drink
6. "after my foot surgery, they gave me vicodin..."
"vicodin is *really* good for pain."
"vicodin is really good for everything."
7. have another drink
8. walk across the street to babycakes, gaze at the delicious, "healthy" low-sugar and vegan desserts.
9. walk out of babycakes, around the corner, down the street and to the right until you reach sugar sweet sunshine, where the cupcakes are full of butter and sugar as god intended
10. eat a cupcake
11. run into tommy while on sugar high
12. go home and IM crush something saucy ("but i've had two margaritas and a cupcake, so i'm just talking crazy.")
13. gossip on the phone til 1am
14. go to sleep

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