you could get with this
or you could get with that
i think you'll get with this, cuz this is where it's at.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
international relations
okay so needled has a post about the tattoo festival in thailand. and i think to myself, that would be a cool thing to go to! but then i look at the pictures and i realize that if i ever go i may not ever come back.
super cute dark-haired, dark-eyed tattooed boys absolutely everywhere...
super cute dark-haired, dark-eyed tattooed boys absolutely everywhere...

sugar, we're going down

it's okay to be in love with a thing, if that thing is a band, and that band is the roughstars.
the men of wealth and taste were at nublu last night and i was singing along:
please don't leave me alone...
with your girlfriend
accompanying me was my neighbor and homeslice dj o who baked brownies before the show and was kind enough to share them with me. i love a boy who is good in the kitchen since i do not cook or clean. oh, i used to, but i gave it up. and it feels great!
later dj o and i went to sway where i saw tiny and cute pete wentz of fall out boy sitting in a booth surrounded by girls. if he only knew how much time i spent looking at his picture for work purposes. teenage girls love fall out boy.
the weird thing about last night was going out with straight hair. i feel like people treat me slightly differently. they say, "oh your hair looks fantastic!" and i say, "thank you," but really i am thinking, are you saying it *usually* looks like crap?
hair is so complicated, especially for girls, especially for girls of color. i love my naturally curly hair, but it likes to be air dried or diffused, and since i like to sleep more than i like to dry my hair, i often leave the house with it half wet. but that's not an option when the temp drops below 32 degrees. so i get the blowout, and it lasts about a week, and i don't have to worry about getting puh-neu-monia. but i do start feeling like i should dress fancier, i do feel more "done" and i don't feel *exactly* like myself, i kind of feel like the newscaster version of myself, sort of sophisticated/snotty/haughty. and it's fun. but to me, curly hair seems more casual, more earthy, more bubbly, more free, a little wild, sort of liberated. curly hair's not trying to prove anything, not trying to hide anything.
but at the end of the day, it's just hair, it's on the surface, it's not that deep. i'll wash it by the end of the week and everything will be normal again.
if you care at all, you can watch the fall out boy video here.
Monday, February 27, 2006
i crossed my fingers
but i didn't beg
yawn, another good weekend.
friday dinner and pomegranate mojitos @ room 18, followed by someone's birthday at sweet & vicious. i prefer sweet & vicious on a warm summer afternoon - when the back garden is empty and you can take a break from the heat of the day with a refreshing gin and tonic. but no matter. ms. chen was forever mackin' and selecting great tunes on the jukebox: lots of prince.

after s&v it was over to 6s&8s, where there was a little harold hunter memorial party going on; some people i hadn't seen in years...
saturday when the weatherman predicted frigid temps i decided it was blowout time. the lovely domenican ladies on essex street hooked me up with silky straight hair for a fraction of the price i pay when i go to the late night spot in the meatpacking district... it's not the same level of service by any means, but the results are similar.

later that night i went to a lovely and sophisticated party in the west village, and then a not so lovely and not so sophisticated party on spring street. saw some straight up hoochies. workhorse was into it, he ♥s booty.

sunday i hit bloomingdale's and bergdorf goodman with the woman who gave birth to me. we ate at bg and overheard this guy explain how he prefers to arrive in st. bart's by boat, because flying in is just too scary. one of his companions, a lovely young lady, was wearing giant RL shades while eating, but she lifted them to speak and we saw huge red cosmetic procedure circles around her eyes. ah, new york. you never fail me.

my brother enjoyed the molten chocolate cake.
song of the day:
i can't stop listening to the faint, so i have to share:
the faint - desperate guys
was it more than attraction and a physical lust?
her loins, my imagination, that first inconceivable touch
that I was planning-er, I mean wishing-uh...
how embarassed I'd been if you knew what I was thinking...
friday dinner and pomegranate mojitos @ room 18, followed by someone's birthday at sweet & vicious. i prefer sweet & vicious on a warm summer afternoon - when the back garden is empty and you can take a break from the heat of the day with a refreshing gin and tonic. but no matter. ms. chen was forever mackin' and selecting great tunes on the jukebox: lots of prince.

after s&v it was over to 6s&8s, where there was a little harold hunter memorial party going on; some people i hadn't seen in years...
saturday when the weatherman predicted frigid temps i decided it was blowout time. the lovely domenican ladies on essex street hooked me up with silky straight hair for a fraction of the price i pay when i go to the late night spot in the meatpacking district... it's not the same level of service by any means, but the results are similar.

later that night i went to a lovely and sophisticated party in the west village, and then a not so lovely and not so sophisticated party on spring street. saw some straight up hoochies. workhorse was into it, he ♥s booty.

sunday i hit bloomingdale's and bergdorf goodman with the woman who gave birth to me. we ate at bg and overheard this guy explain how he prefers to arrive in st. bart's by boat, because flying in is just too scary. one of his companions, a lovely young lady, was wearing giant RL shades while eating, but she lifted them to speak and we saw huge red cosmetic procedure circles around her eyes. ah, new york. you never fail me.

my brother enjoyed the molten chocolate cake.
song of the day:
i can't stop listening to the faint, so i have to share:
the faint - desperate guys
was it more than attraction and a physical lust?
her loins, my imagination, that first inconceivable touch
that I was planning-er, I mean wishing-uh...
how embarassed I'd been if you knew what I was thinking...
Friday, February 24, 2006
this little piggy
working at a celebrity-oriented teen magazine, i spend my day monitoring the goings-on of hilary duff, thinking about "what kind of kisser are you?" quizzes and editing stories about fall out boy and my chemical romance. but my sister is in vet school, and she spends her days very differently. for instance, she recently did a surgical procedure on the adorable little critter seen here.
crap. i almost feel bad about eating bacon.

i signed up for another four weeks of swing class, cuz i love it so freakin much.
song of the day, a great one to slow/slow/quickquick to:
louis jordan -beans and cornbread
Thursday, February 23, 2006
another celebrity sighting!

last night i was on kenmare and lafayette, across the street from la esquina -
in that little triangle of no man's land.
i wanted to throw away my gum, but there was a guy in a brown leather trenchcoat and gray fedora sitting with his legs outstretched on a ledge by the garbage can,and he looked shady/homeless.
i approached the garbage can anyway, at which point the guy looked up -
he had twinkling brown eyes, sexy scruff and and earring:
it was colin farrell, on his cell phone.
we made eye contact as i dropped my gum in the can,
and i heard him say "dye tink yer gawnna scars letter?"
which is irish accented english for "do you think you're going to Scores later?"
ew. he's definitely straddling the line between appealing and appalling -
among the other things he's straddling.
still. he's hot. and i did watch his nasty sex tape.

here's the song i can't stop listening to today:
the faint - i disappear
Saturday, February 18, 2006

growing up in new york, you meet a lot of characters. zoo york's main man, harold hunter was one of them. for the last 15 years or so, i would see him in the meadow, or at all the craziest parties, or hanging out in front of supreme. he was the kind of kid who would cross the street just to give me a hug, and would always ask about my sister. i didn't even see kids till much later, i just knew him as this nice, sorta crazy guy. everyone knew harold, and harold knew everyone. and i know he will be missed.
legends never die.
justin pierce, aka casper, died in 2000.
Friday, February 17, 2006
contents under pressure

hot shit seen on stencil revolution.
after my benicio sighting i realized it's been a while since i stenciled anything.
gotta get back into it.
here's a track to go with that richard pryor artwork:
white horse - laid back
Thursday, February 16, 2006
go willie!

pictures from the boozy singles mingling v.d. party are possibly forthcoming. gotta pull myself together. the nametag matching and lock & key games were successful, at least two ladies claim to have met someone they found to be cute. i was so busy hosting, giving out candy and knocking back cocktails that i don't recall if i had fun or not.
but i am really excited about this:
Nelson Unveils 'Gay Cowboy' Valentine"
Willie Nelson chose Valentine's Day to release the gay-themed song "Cowboys are Secretly, Frequently (Fond of Each Other)." The country music icon premiered the track this morning (Feb. 14) on Howard Stern's Sirius Satellite Radio show as it was being made exclusively available via Apple's iTunes music store.
Nelson recorded the song, written in 1981 by songwriter Ned Sublette, last year at his home studio in Perdernales, Texas, around the time he first mentioned it during an appearance on Stern's former terrestrial radio show. The timing of the song's release coincides with a time when the idea of gay cowboys is being discussed throughout the media due to the success of the Academy Award-nominated film "Brokeback Mountain."
Coincidentally, Nelson contributed the track "He Was a Friend of Mine" to the movie's Verve soundtrack, which peaked at No. 54 on The Billboard 200.
"The song's been in the closet for 20 years," Nelson says in a statement released to the Dallas Morning News. "The timing's right for it to come out. I'm just opening the door."
Adding to the track's poignancy is David Anderson, Nelson's longtime tour manager, who revealed his homosexuality to Nelson two years ago.
"This song obviously has special meaning to me in more ways than one," Anderson tells the Dallas Morning News. "I want people to know more than anything -- gay, straight, whatever -- just how cool Willie is and ... his way of thinking, his tolerance, everything about him."
A video "Cowboys are Secretly, Frequently (Fond of Each Other)" will be created by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe ("Super Troopers," "Club Dread") with plans to release it exclusively through iTunes.
i bought the song, which is kind of hilarious.
check out these lyrics:
Well I believe in my soul that inside every man there's a feminine,
And inside every lady there's a deep manly voice loud and clear.
Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he does with his women,
But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer.
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other �
What did you think those saddles and boots was about?
There's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels towards his
Inside every cowboy there's a lady who'd love to slip out.
Ten men for each woman was the rule way back when on the prairie,
And somehow those cowboys must have kept themselves warm late at night.
Cowboys are famous for getting riled up about fairies,
But I'll tell you the reason a big strong man gets so uptight:
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other
That's why they wear leather, and Levi's and belts buckled tight.
There's many a cowboy who don't understand the way that he feels towards his
There's many a cowboy who's more like a lady at night.
willie nelson is pretty damn cool. he also believes in biodiesel, and smokes a lot of pot.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
single girls have to be their own valentines.
i got myself jewelry.
props to customrock for doing a great job.

also for valentine's day, i am throwing a get together.
a swingles party, a moroccan love affair.
a little smoking of the hookah, some "heart of africa" cocktails.
if you're single and have no v.d. plans, leave a message in the comments and i'll email you the info for the party tonight.
while not technically moroccan, to get into the mood, check out two of my fave songs in arabic:
natacha atlas - yalla chant
yalla means "come on."
natacha atlas - leysh nat'arak
gotta love the hip-hop vibe.
by the by, there would be no girlhattan without the inspiration of a super cool chick named jennifer smith, so i just want to give her a shout out. jennifer, if you're reading, email me!
i got myself jewelry.
props to customrock for doing a great job.

also for valentine's day, i am throwing a get together.
a swingles party, a moroccan love affair.
a little smoking of the hookah, some "heart of africa" cocktails.
if you're single and have no v.d. plans, leave a message in the comments and i'll email you the info for the party tonight.
while not technically moroccan, to get into the mood, check out two of my fave songs in arabic:
natacha atlas - yalla chant
yalla means "come on."
natacha atlas - leysh nat'arak
gotta love the hip-hop vibe.
by the by, there would be no girlhattan without the inspiration of a super cool chick named jennifer smith, so i just want to give her a shout out. jennifer, if you're reading, email me!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
i was on my way to a gallery party on spring street last night when it happened.
i got off the F at broadway lafayette, dawdled inside of otto toosi plohound (shoes on sale!) for a minute, then turned the corner on to prince street.
as i walked east on prince street, i noticed a tall guy crossing the street towards me, between the parked cars.
he was smoking, and as he stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of me, i saw that it was BENICIO DEL TORO.
i stopped breathing, and i think i stopped walking, too - he just kept going and got buzzed into a building next to the tibetan store.
the subject of my stencil project, the man i love taking pictures of when he's on the TV, my "second husband."
benny the bull.
he looked really good. he is so tall, and chiseled, and rough-and-tumble...

le double sigh.

i'm sorry, johnny, you were my number one, i've loved you since i was 16, but you've got a waif/wife and there's just no beating the bull. he's the only one for me.
i was on my way to a gallery party on spring street last night when it happened.
i got off the F at broadway lafayette, dawdled inside of otto toosi plohound (shoes on sale!) for a minute, then turned the corner on to prince street.
as i walked east on prince street, i noticed a tall guy crossing the street towards me, between the parked cars.
he was smoking, and as he stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of me, i saw that it was BENICIO DEL TORO.
i stopped breathing, and i think i stopped walking, too - he just kept going and got buzzed into a building next to the tibetan store.
the subject of my stencil project, the man i love taking pictures of when he's on the TV, my "second husband."
benny the bull.
he looked really good. he is so tall, and chiseled, and rough-and-tumble...

le double sigh.

i'm sorry, johnny, you were my number one, i've loved you since i was 16, but you've got a waif/wife and there's just no beating the bull. he's the only one for me.

Thursday, February 09, 2006
hit list
fashion week is almost over. i've been reading the daily and and i am trying to get myself into the project runway fashion show tomorrow but actually i am over it. time to think about other things.
i do have all my fave ensembles. the hit list.
oscar de la renta

carolina herrera

peter som

luca luca

derek lam

monique lhuillier

anna sui


and last, but not least...

if anyone wants to spot me a couple grand and a personal trainer, i'll start wearing stuff like this.
no? back to adidas and jeans, no prob.
i do have all my fave ensembles. the hit list.
oscar de la renta

carolina herrera

peter som

luca luca

derek lam

monique lhuillier

anna sui


and last, but not least...

if anyone wants to spot me a couple grand and a personal trainer, i'll start wearing stuff like this.
no? back to adidas and jeans, no prob.
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