thursday we left new york at the dawn of crack.

snoop dogg was arrested @ bob hope airport mere hours after we landed.

lunch at the abbey in west hollywood. then fred segal and random stores on melrose.

then to hellaylaw's place in west hollywood.

that night we went to lucha vavoom at the mayan theater downtown.
lucha vavoom was insane and amazing. masked mexican wrestling, midgets, burlesque stripping - snow white stripped, as did and evil queen and a beautiful girl who turned out to be a boy - karis. absolutely phenomenal hula hoop skills.
the show ended with a guy dressed as louis xvi stripping while bouncing on a pogo stick. each time he took off a g string, glitter flew out and there was another g string underneath.

post wrestling we drove to the roscoe's on pico and la brea for fried chicken and waffles. a bentley and a maybach were parked outside... huge black guys eating biscuits and gravy inside. fun!
poogene happened to be landing in L.A. the same night, so he joined us there.
friday morning we drove over to sunset blvd and had breakfast @ the griddle with poogene.

chateau marmont.

poogene and i had both rented chrysler sebrings. mine was white (yuck) and his was silver. we tailed him down sunset blvd all the way to the beach.

his swim trunks are tiny.

yay! the beach!

i visited my cousin while in santa monica.

this is the view from his apt.

cool old school bus. emissions friendly? i think not.

40 sucks. the whole reason we were there: to celebrate hellaylaw's bday.

percy is "morbidly obese" according to jd. also a camera slut.

so we went to hamburger mary's to wait for everyone to get their shit together. $5 margaritas and $5 martinis. plus the loo has a disco ball and a boombox that only plays abba.

you could raise a goldfish in the margarita glass.

the martinis were big as well. this was a double, i think. hrh proclaimed that it wasn't dirty enough.
later we changed and had dinner at obar

we were laughing the whole time. bananas. stumsy. nipple ring. good times.

i was up early the next day... saturday.

hellaylaw drove us to chinatown. we had dim sum and tried to pick up the hot hot hot tall lush-lipped chinese waiter.

hrh took us to a cool sneaker store called lion's den.

i wanted hellaylaw to win me the cheetah. he failed.

when we got home we had cocktails and a tranny show.

hide your boyfriends.

and small children.

and the elderly or those with comprimised immune systems.

turn away if you have a pacemaker, trouble breathing or a heart condition.

eventually we made it to dinner at vermont

and drinks in the lounge next door.

when we got back to west hollywood there was a big tranny drag party xxxtravaganza.

i've got 99¢ lipstick on my teeth.

hellaylaw needed brackets for his closet, so haflway through the drag xxtravaganza we got in the car and drove to the 24 hour home depot. only to find it closed. it's not open 24 hours anymore.

sunday: breakfast at basix, ran into poogene there. did some thrift store shopping and went to the melrose trading post/fairfax high flea market. the purchase of the day was a compton cheerleading t-shirt, which i was going to bring back to new york, but it looked good on hellaylaw so i had to give it to him.

after some in-n-out burger we flew out on the red eye, arriving in new york just as we left - sunrise, aka the dawn of crack.
i've edited some stuff out, but maybe not enough. file complaints below or at girlhattan at gmail dot com.