but srsly folks. it's hard to feel fresh for spring when you're wearing the same old shitty winter clothes.
seen some delicious stuff on the interwebs lately, please allow me to share:

shoplifter bag from a plus r store.

junkie fit leopard jeans from lip service... i'm always trying to break up my cardigan + jeans uniform, this might be a good way to start. they're kind of van halen/lita ford/ridick, but i feel like with sneakers and a slinky black top, you're ready for fun. party in my pants!

80s splatter glasses from fred flare, i totally had something like this in 6th grade. perfect for your next nü rave event.

silver mini dress by steve madden. they make dresses, who knew? wear over jeans now, then with silver flat sandals when it gets warm for that "i have a better party to go to later" look.

purple striped hoodie with zip-off hood, by fallen skateboard co. - also cute in blue/black and black/white....

slinky black dress, for work or play.... by bread and butter (at girlshop).

bird skull necklace by arms and armory (available at caravan.) silver and freaky psuedo goth, soooooo up my alley.
just as an aside:
wouldn't the world be interesting if more boys dressed like this? (via facehunter.)
get inspired: click through hoy fashion.
ok - so LOVE the fashion comments.....80s is not so much my style - maybe cause I was actually in college (well I WAS around gor Hang Ten in the 80s ....remember THAT, whoa,sorry such a flashback for me ) but still love it all. can you throw in some 60 and 70s throwback rock n roll commentary or clothes for me sometime - or just thinking about it is fine too.
so, from your most needy blogeee- when can we see the comments from last night when I dragged your hip NYC arse out to Bwrooklynn...
love ya babe - pirate boy is on his way to NYC this summer - he just emailed me - so get your glitter and glue guns ready for the next pirate party.
xxo - the infamous (thanks to you) KM
do you have that purple and black fallen hoodie??
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